However, each of the other 3 at the higher smoothing parameter values have very similar shapes, which appears to be a linear effect of bmi that flattens as bmi increases. PROC CATMOD has a feature that makes testing this kind of hypothesis even easier. Modeling Survival Data: Extending the Cox Model. For example, the time interval represented by the first row is from 0 days to just before 1 day. Note that the CONTRAST statement in PROC LOGISTIC provides an estimate of the contrast as well as a test that it equals zero, so an ESTIMATE statement is not provided. Since treatment A and treatment C are the first and third in the LSMEANS list, the contrast in the LSMESTIMATE statement estimates and tests their difference. For example, the hazard rate when time \(t\) when \(x = x_1\) would then be \(h(t|x_1) = h_0(t)exp(x_1\beta_x)\), and at time \(t\) when \(x = x_2\) would be \(h(t|x_2) = h_0(t)exp(x_2\beta_x)\). The result, while not strictly an odds ratio, is useful as a comparison of the odds of treatment A to the "average" odds of the treatments. The first three parameters of the nested effect are the effects of treatments within the complicated diagnosis. Here are the steps we will take to evaluate the proportional hazards assumption for age through scaled Schoenfeld residuals: Although possibly slightly positively trending, the smooths appear mostly flat at 0, suggesting that the coefficient for age does not change over time and that proportional hazards holds for this covariate. Although the coding scheme is different, you still follow the same steps to determine the contrast coefficients. None of the solid blue lines looks particularly aberrant, and all of the supremum tests are non-significant, so we conclude that proportional hazards holds for all of our covariates. The LSMESTIMATE statement allows you to request specific comparisons. The ILINK option in the LSMEANS statement provides estimates of the probabilities of cure for each combination of treatment and diagnosis. To accomplish this smoothing, the hazard function estimate at any time interval is a weighted average of differences within a window of time that includes many differences, known as the bandwidth. However, despite our knowledge that bmi is correlated with age, this method provides good insight into bmis functional form. model lenfol*fstat(0) = gender|age bmi hr;
For a more detailed definition of nested and nonnested models, see the Clarke (2001) reference cited in the sample program. Below we demonstrate use of the assess statement to the functional form of the covariates. Many transformations of the survivor function are available for alternate ways of calculating confidence intervals through the conftype option, though most transformations should yield very similar confidence intervals. Logistic models are in the class of generalized linear models. These provide some statistical background for survival analysis for the interested reader (and for the author of the seminar!). The assess statement with the ph option provides an easy method to assess the proportional hazards assumption both graphically and numerically for many covariates at once. run;
Imagine we have a random variable, \(Time\), which records survival times. WebThe PHREG procedure will produce inverse hazard ratio measuring instead the effect of Standard of Care versus the effect of study Drug Dose Regimen 2.
We will model a time-varying covariate later in the seminar. A simple transformation of the cumulative distribution function produces the survival function, \(S(t)\): The survivor function, \(S(t)\), describes the probability of surviving past time \(t\), or \(Pr(Time > t)\). The difficulty is constructing combinations that are estimable and that jointly test the set of interactions. Note: A number of sub-sections are titled Background. run; proc phreg data = whas500; In PROC LOGISTIC, the ESTIMATE=BOTH option in the CONTRAST statement requests estimates of both the contrast (difference in log odds or log odds ratio) and the exponentiated contrast (odds ratio). `Pn.bR#l8(QBQ p9@E,IF0QlPC4NC)R- R]*C!B)Uj.$qpa *O'CAI ")7 Thus, for example the AGE term describes the effect of age when gender=0, or the age effect for males. Because this seminar is focused on survival analysis, we provide code for each proc and example output from proc corr with only minimal explanation. Run Cox models on intervals of follow up time rather than on its entirety.
Notice that the parameter estimate for treatment A within complicated diagnosis is the same as the estimated contrast and the exponentiated parameter estimate is the same as the exponentiated contrast. If the observed pattern differs significantly from the simulated patterns, we reject the null hypothesis that the model is correctly specified, and conclude that the model should be modified. Notice that if you add up the rows for diagnosis (or treatments), the sum is zero. This confidence band is calculated for the entire survival function, and at any given interval must be wider than the pointwise confidence interval (the confidence interval around a single interval) to ensure that 95% of all pointwise confidence intervals are contained within this band. (1994). hrtime = hr*lenfol;
These statements include the LSMEANS, LSMESTIMATE, and SLICE statements that are available in many procedures. If our Cox model is correctly specified, these cumulative martingale sums should randomly fluctuate around 0. Violations of the proportional hazard assumption may cause bias in the estimated coefficients as well as incorrect inference regarding significance of effects. Because of the positive skew often seen with followup-times, medians are often a better indicator of an average survival time. We can estimate the hazard function is SAS as well using proc lifetest: As we have seen before, the hazard appears to be greatest at the beginning of follow-up time and then rapidly declines and finally levels off. In PROC LOGISTIC, odds ratio estimates for variables involved in interactions can be most easily obtained using the ODDSRATIO statement. specifies the level of significance for % confidence intervals. Grambsch and Therneau (1994) show that a scaled version of the Schoenfeld residual at time \(k\) for a particular covariate \(p\) will approximate the change in the regression coefficient at time \(k\): \[E(s^\star_{kp}) + \hat{\beta}_p \approx \beta_j(t_k)\]. A full-rank version of indicator coding (called reference coding) that omits the indicator variable for the reference level (by default, the last level) is also available in PROC LOGISTIC, PROC GENMOD, PROC CATMOD, and some other procedures via the PARAM=REF option. We can examine residual plots for each smooth (with loess smooth themselves) by specifying the, List all covariates whose functional forms are to be checked within parentheses after, Scaled Schoenfeld residuals are obtained in the output dataset, so we will need to supply the name of an output dataset using the, SAS provides Schoenfeld residuals for each covariate, and they are output in the same order as the coefficients are listed in the Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates table. o1LSRD"Qh&3[F&g w/!|#+QnHA8Oy9 , The first element is the estimate of the intercept, .
In an example from Ries and Smith (1963), the choice of detergent brand (Brand= M or X) is related to three other categorical variables: the softness of the laundry water (Softness= soft, medium, or hard); the temperature of the water (Temperature= high or low); and whether the subject was a previous user of Brand M (Previous= yes or no). Any estimable linear combination of model parameters can be tested using the procedure's CONTRAST statement. Thus far in this seminar we have only dealt with covariates with values fixed across follow up time. Include covariate interactions with time as predictors in the Cox model. Website. A More Complex Contrast with Effects Coding Proportional hazards may hold for shorter intervals of time within the entirety of follow up time. fixed. The interpretation of this estimate is that we expect 0.0385 failures (per person) by the end of 3 days. Then, as before, subtracting the two coefficient vectors yields the coefficient vector for testing the difference of these two averages. Webproc phreg estimate statement example proc phreg estimate statement example. Proportional hazards tests and diagnostics based on weighted residuals. Lets interpret our model. Suppose you want to test whether the effect of treatment A in the complicated diagnosis is different from the average effect of the treatments in the complicated diagnosis. In the relation above, \(s^\star_{kp}\) is the scaled Schoenfeld residual for covariate \(p\) at time \(k\), \(\beta_p\) is the time-invariant coefficient, and \(\beta_j(t_k)\) is the time-variant coefficient. The next section illustrates using the CONTRAST statement to compare nested models. The survival function drops most steeply at the beginning of study, suggesting that the hazard rate is highest immediately after hospitalization during the first 200 days. A common way to address both issues is to parameterize the hazard function as: In this parameterization, \(h(t|x)\) is constrained to be strictly positive, as the exponential function always evaluates to positive, while \(\beta_0\) and \(\beta_1\) are allowed to take on any value. The ESTIMATE statement provides a mechanism for obtaining custom hypothesis tests. run; proc lifetest data=whas500 atrisk nelson; It is possible that the relationship with time is not linear, so we should check other functional forms of time, such as log(time) and rank(time). The unconditional probability of surviving beyond 2 days (from the onset of risk) then is \(\hat S(2) = \frac{500 8}{500}\times\frac{492-8}{492} = 0.984\times0.98374=.9680\). Since the contrast involves only the ten LS-means, it is much more straight-forward to specify. Estimating and Testing Odds Ratios with Effects Coding WebIn SAS, we can graph an estimate of the cdf using proc univariate. proc univariate data = whas500(where=(fstat=1)); Note that the ESTIMATE statement displays the estimated difference in cell means (2.5148) and a t-test that this difference is equal to zero, while the CONTRAST statement provides only an F-test of the difference. Webproc phreg estimate statement examplehow to play with friends in 2k22. 557-72.
The problem is greatly simplified using effects coding, which is available in some procedures via the PARAM=EFFECT option in the CLASS statement. Integrating the pdf over a range of survival times gives the probability of observing a survival time within that interval. Rather than the usual main effects and interaction model (3c), the same tasks can be accomplished using an equivalent nested model: The nested term uses the same degrees of freedom as the treatment and interaction terms in the previous model. In our previous model we examined the effects of gender and age on the hazard rate of dying after being hospitalized for heart attack. Notice there is one row per subject, with one variable coding the time to event, lenfol: A second way to structure the data that only proc phreg accepts is the counting process style of input that allows multiple rows of data per subject. class gender; run; proc corr data = whas500 plots(maxpoints=none)=matrix(histogram); In the simpler case of a main-effects-only model, writing CONTRAST and ESTIMATE statements to make simple pairwise comparisons is more intuitive. Diagnostic plots to reveal functional form for covariates in multiplicative intensity models. It is important to know how variable levels change within the set of parameter estimates for an effect. We simply use the SAS procedure PHREG to obtain the final result. run; proc phreg data = whas500; Webproc phreg estimate statement example proc phreg estimate statement example. The PHREG Procedure Example 91.12 demonstrated that the log transform is a much improved functional form for Bilirubin in a Cox regression model. Models with smaller values of these criteria are considered better models. Using model (1) above, the AB12 cell mean, 12, is: Because averages of the errors (ijk) are assumed to be zero: Similarly, the AB11 cell mean is written this way: So, to get an estimate of the AB12 mean, you need to add together the estimates of , 1, 2, and 12. Some data management will be required to ensure that everyone is properly censored in each interval. 147-60.