The man on the left is presumably counting out the strokes on his fingers.
Note straps/chains for securing lower body to bench.
Ryan Park is a lawyer in Durham, N.C., and a former law clerk to Supreme Court Justices David Souter and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Corporal punishment has been used widely in schools for thousands of years for legal and religious reasons and has spawned old proverbs such as spare the rod and spoil the child, which is a paraphrase of the biblical verse, He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him..
I do not remember seeing a barrel used in this way before.
The plet appears to have been somewhat akin to the cat-o'-nine-tails, but with only three tails.
I start by discussing what I call the nave objections to corporal punishment. (Relatively speaking they were lucky: other gay people have been publicly hanged by the barbarous Iranian regime.) This might indicate that we are seeing only a reconstruction.
WebThese purport to be old paintings of Korean judicial corporal punishment in progress. The big frame was for judicial punishment; the smaller trestle seems to have been for reformatory canings of juveniles, rather than judicial ones. Dunsterforce was a company of Australian and other Allied irregulars in 1917-1919 deployed across Greater Persia (now Iran, Iraq and the Caucasus), named after its commander, Gen. Lionel Dunsterville.
It seems likely to be from the period around 1900 when the King of Belgium was running the Congo as his personal fief with the aid of slave labour.
With the courts silent on corporal punishment, child advocates and parents across the nation can continue to focus their energies on local advocacy and engagement. Corporal punishment is explicitly prohibited by several international conventions on human rights, including the European Convention on Human Rights and the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners..
[61], Judicial birching was abolished in the Isle of Man in 1993 following the 1978 judgment in Tyrer v. UK by the European Court of Human Rights.
Corporal punishment no longer exists in the legal systems of most developed nations of the world.
Joan of Arc or the numerous suspected
Corpun file 22474 Indonesia
Small picture used to illustrate a November 1999 article in the Moscow newspaper Rossiskaya Gazeta.
We may imagine this scene on HMS Zealous at 11.15am on 17 July 1813 when Valentine Woods, aged 17, received the first instalment (36 lashes) of his sentence of "60 lashes with a Cat of Nine Tails on his Bare Posteriors" for stabbing a shipmate.
I think the picture may date from around c.1800.
The punishments include caning, bastinado, birching, whipping, or strapping. Public flogging was abolished here in 1848. This means the beneficiary would have been bent nearly double, with his legs wide apart, during the punishment. 19th-century Chinese punishment.
Two more views of the same tableau at Port Blair. A list of 28 countries that use lawful, official JCP today is as follows: The above list does not include countries where a "blind eye" is sometimes turned to unofficial JCP by local tribes, authorities, etc. Corpun file 18302Public caning of young woman, Aceh province, 2006. My informant says that it is about 7 feet high.
It looks as if he might have been mistaken in thinking that his friend was the only person taking pictures, since the picture printed in the Australian reference book is taken from a different angle and from further away.
This not very clear photograph in the Alaska State Library is captioned "Klondike Trail: Flogging a cache thief on the Lynn trail, 1896". Thomas C. Murton Holding a Strap Outside his Home.
Corpun file 18439
These include punishments which belittle, humiliate, denigrate, scapegoat, threaten, scare or ridicule the child.
Not for the squeamish.
And that figure represented a sharp drop from the WebSentence examples for judicial corporal punishment from inspiring English sources exact ( 2 ) 1961: Rebels against party by voting to restore birching, a form of judicial corporal punishment outlawed in 1948. This is part of a frieze on the front of a building of c.1900 in Prague depicting scenes of the period (up to 1918) when the Austro-Hungarian Empire included what is now the Czech Republic. It does not perhaps add much to the other pictures, but it's interesting that present-day schoolboys are having these things officially shown to them. Canadas National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, Understanding Sexual Orientation From a Psychological Perspective, Ingraham v. Wright: Supreme Court Case, Arguments, Impact, What Is Nullification? Also at Keillor House Museum, a bench over which prisoners were tied to be strapped on the bare buttocks. The cane looks excessively rigid but perhaps in actual use it would have been soaked in water to make it flexible.
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child occurred as recently as 2011. Corpun file 22761a The exhibition's caption said: "Flogging by whip or stick, a punishment reserved for Africans, was allowed by penal law until 1940. It is quite disturbing. Steve says he was told the smaller ones hurt just as much as the big one, which seems unlikely to me.
Home Office circular to prison governors, 1899. This looks like a modern reconstruction. Cat-o-nine-tails and Punishment Register.
From You magazine (April 1994).
A rather small and murky picture from a Russian-language news page (2007), where it was used to illustrate a modern story about Cossack nationalists who, absurdly, threatened to whip members of the Estonian government for being hostile to Estonia's Russian-speaking minority. A prisoner is whipped with a plet (not a knout, which was abolished in 1845). Corpun file 19756 It is a bit unclear, but the buttocks appear to have been uncovered for punishment. Saeed Ghanbari is seen being brought to the place of punishment and given 80 lashes for alcohol and adultery. First, in the second picture the trestle has been turned through 90 degrees in relation to the tree, with the photographer apparently remaining in the same position, and the man with the strap has suddenly gone from being right-handed to left-handed.
This is a detail, giving a slightly clearer view, of the picture postcard which is the third picture down on the pictures of judicial CP in Korea around 1900 page. Examples of said public humiliation include James Gavin of Douglas, Lanarkshire, had his ears cut off for refusing to renounce his religious faith, and Nebahne Yohannes, an unsuccessful claimant to the Ethiopian imperial throne who had his ears and nose cut off, yet was then freed.
Many soldiers bending over for a caning while an officer advances down the line punishing each in turn.
From Lars Levander, Brottsling och bdel, Gidlunds 1975. Re-enactment of a whipping with the "cat" at the Australiana Pioneer Village in Wilberforce, just outside Sydney. A thief sentenced to whipping.
Corpun file 24803
Corporal punishment exists in varying degrees of severity, from spanking, often used on children and students, to whipping or caning. Sign up for a weekly roundup of thought-provoking ideas and debates, Fact-checking Trumps comments and truths on arraignment day, The incendiary claim that George Soros funded Alvin Bragg, How Kevin McCarthy manipulated Bidens words on debt talks, voted to maintain corporal punishment statewide, board voted unanimously to end the practice, came within a single vote of declaring corporal punishment unconstitutional.
Corpun file 25390
Corpun file 22426 Corpun file 21948
For example, as St. Paul reminded a Roman soldier, Roman citizens could not be flogged. ThoughtCo, Aug. 2, 2021,
Note that these metal frames are very similar to the one used in this 1978 Pakistan flogging and also in the second picture from the top on this page of miscellaneous Pakistan floggings, all presumably inherited from the days of British India. It appears that men must stand to receive the caning, while women are allowed to kneel.
Granted, change achieved through direct, local democracy through parent-teacher association meetings, school boards and state legislatures is difficult and slow.
There are raw weals and limited, not profuse, bleeding, much as described by Michael Fay.
Corpun file 22733
In April 2020, Saudi Arabia's Supreme Court abolished flogging from the country's legal system,[15] though other forms of judicial corporal punishment, including amputation for theft, remain legal in Saudi Arabia.[16][17].
Many subsequent societies applied this eye-for-an-eye and tooth-for-a-tooth principle quite literally in dealing with offenders. Two representations of ancient imperial China, date unknown.
Whipping and even amputation remain prescribed punishments in several Middle Eastern nations that strictly observe Islamic law, however. Corpun file 22476
British criminal law stood as a rare exception in its legal prescription of whipping as punishment for some offenses, but the infliction of this penalty was severely limited by the Criminal Justice Act of 1948 and was abolished in 1967. Ancient flogging punishment re-enacted at Seoul Folk Museum. The culprit is completely naked, but the strokes of the whip appear to be landing across the buttocks alone. Also from the same Johore Baru exhibition, these pictures of men's backsides after caning, and the canes picture above, all came from a now-deleted blog about a visit to the prison in 2005. Corpun file 23340
The text says "This remarkable drawing by Lieutenant Chevalier gives an impression of an imperial guardsmen's cavalry barrack-room at what is now the Ecole Militaire, then the Quartier Bonaparte, in Paris".
Punishment bench, Museum Janko Kral.
This nasty picture certainly illustrates the inhumane brutality of canings of a large number of strokes -- at a guess, 24 in this case.
They complained that the police had given them extrajudicial CP with batons on their behinds.
[65] Starting in 1776, George Washington strongly advocated and utilised judicial corporal punishment in the Continental Army, with due process protection, obtaining in 1776 authority from the Continental Congress to impose 100 lashes, more than the previous limit of 39. Corpun file 18066 Similar to the above, but with uniformed officials in attendance. For example, in nine states where corporal punishment is allowed, fewer than 5 percent of schools report using it. This flogging bench is provided for the enlightenment (and use!)
A reader in Norway writes that he thinks this was used during World War II in Germany and the occupied countries: "A few years ago there was a documentary of the punishments the Germans used, and a Norwegian woman was describing the punishment she got while in a German prison. Corpun file 20850
However, this particular incident looks like an ordinary Korean punishment flogging rather than "torture and martyrdom" as described in a plaque in English at the exhibition. Criminal being punished. "Children severely flogged".
Note that exactly the same punishment is still applied there to this day, with the offender similarly stripped to the waist, in front of a crowd likewise gathered in the street -- see this February 2001 news photograph.
Public flogging in Vanak Square, 1983. Corpun file 19533
Korea | Now on display at the Museum of Colorado Prisons in Caon City.
Tableau of punishments. I have no idea how authentic this is or whether it is just guesswork on the part of the artist.
A large prison was built at the main town, Port Blair, under British rule, and part of it is now a museum. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions.
Persia is the country now known as Iran. The offender is shown held spreadeagled face down on the ground. A reader questions the authenticity of the buttocks photo, citing the implausibly neat and tidy shape of the overall area of the bruising.
The article introduces an interview with a Russian official newly responsible for law and order, who described flogging as barbaric and implied that Islamic law was to be, or possibly already had been, swept away and normal Russian penal procedures restored. Corpun file 19909 Cummings (Raleigh, NC, 1922). On 19 March 2006 there was an open day at Victoria Prison, and these items were put on show. Artist's impression of a British naval flogging. This looks like "the real thing", though possibly unofficial. This is a different photo of the same exhibit in the Correctional Services Museum. Corpun file 23431 Corporal punishment has been used widely in schools for thousands of years for legal and religious reasons and has spawned old proverbs such as spare the rod and spoil the child, which is a paraphrase of the biblical verse, He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him. However, this type of punishment is not limited to Christian-majority nations and has been a staple of school discipline across the globe. Supplice des verges un condamn (Caning of a convict). JCP was abolished three years later.
[3] Two of Singapore's neighbouring countries, Malaysia and Brunei, also use judicial caning.
Is It Still Allowed?
In most cases it is done outside the local mosque. Corpun file 17353 Even where it remains legal, the practice has seen a gradual, locally driven decline.
Corpun file 24344
Prison official with plet, 1891.
In schools, physical punishment is outlawed in 128 countries, but is lawful in some situations in Australia, the Republic of South Korea, and the United States (where it is legal in 19 states).
One of these shows the flogging bench in use as shown in the museum photographs; in the others, the offender is simply lying flat on the ground.
In any event it is probably posed by actors and not "the real thing".
Not shown here is the folded hammock often put under the boy's abdomen. Singapore's use of caning as a form of JCP became much discussed around the world in 1994[2] when a United States citizen, Michael Fay, was caned for vandalism.
One of two Indonesian men is publicly caned in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, on May 23, 2017.
Other punishments such as being suspended in cages or placed inside stocks were intended to shame, but cause mild to moderate discomfort as a side effect. Corpun file 15761
You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Corpun file 16616
Caning demonstration on a dummy.
| Australia |
Corpun file 21382
It seems to be a proper formal caning in the walled yard of some kind of institution.
It also gives a wider view of the watching crowd.
Today, neither do the Indonesians themselves (except recently in Aceh, see below), unlike their Malaysian, Singaporean and Bruneian neighbours, who have so enthusiastically embraced the CP system bequeathed by their former colonial masters. SouthAfrica |
In regards to children, it has a similar historical precedent as this type of punishment in schools.
Congo |
In the United States, the distinction is made on a state-by-state basis usually defining discipline as the use of appropriate and necessary force, whereas abuse is more severe. Gauges for verifying correct thickness of canes. Beatings and other corporal forms of disciplinary action are still administered, whether legally or covertly, in the prison systems of many countries. According to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, corporal punishment is any punishment in which physi-
WebCorporal Punishment Act was clear and unequivocal and that it relates only to male offenders. WebWhipping, flogging and lashing are judicial punishments in which the prisoner is beaten with a whip, strap or flogger.
It is credited to the Library of Congress, so one assumes it must at least have been thought at some point to be an authentic reconstruction.
Note that the cane is a bit frayed at the business end, possibly demonstrating that it has been well used.
This one is at the Niedersterreich (Lower Austria) regional museum at St Plten.
The culprit was made to bend down until he could catch around his ankles with his hands. Singapore
In fact rural serfs (landless peasants) were subject to CP until after the end of the 19th century -- see this Sep 1903 news item.
From the German magazine Spiegel (Feb 2009).
Kigambibwa nti Ssempappe ono yafunye obutakkaanya ne Asuman n'amulumba n'amukuba ebikonde ng'akuba eng'oma.
Picture held by the Royal Institute in Leiden, Netherlands.
I think they were probably staged for the photographer, for two reasons.
This time the picture leaves no doubt that the punishment is being applied across the seat of the offender's shorts, and with some vigour.
There is also a third picture which looks as if it goes with these two, though we cannot be certain about that. Light caning on the clothed backside seems to be a standard, if "unofficial", minor punishment in the Thai army, which has a lot of youthful conscripts to be kept in order. It is supposed to represent a flogging on the bare back. This type of punishment is still domestic because the method of discipline was fully within the control of the boss or owner. Prgelbock, Quedlinburg. Normally on such occasions the victim is beaten up in a random manner, typically by thumping and punching all over the body, which is not corporal punishment at all. Note that, although some news reports originally alleged that the boys had to drop their pants to be paddled on their bare behinds, these pictures show that, as Chief Martin stressed at his trial, that was not the case.
Timothy Nerozzi, Fox News, 24 Mar.
These three shots, shown here in a composite picture, are taken from closer up than the first picture and clearly show three different men being publicly flogged over a trunk by Australian army personnel. It also may include forcing a child to consume unpleasant substances such as
See for example this picture printed in Asiaweek captioned "The effects of caning in Malaysia", showing weals and relatively superficial bleeding after perhaps three or four strokes.
Germans flogged at Rabaul, 1914. On balance, I think this could well be the real thing.
Here is a flogging triangle from Old Sydney Town, Somersby, on display at Gosford, New South Wales.
The part of the body thus brought into prominence was denuded of clothing and 'spanked' from one to twenty times.
Pictures taken at Colorado State Prison, Caon City.
The report points out that, were they to do so, it would of course be a criminal act whether in Russia or in the now independent Estonia. Captioned "The cat-o-nine-tails revived", it was published in the Canadian Illustrated News on 6 November that year.
But the caning technique itself, and the holding of the prisoner's head by another officer, appear identical, as do the rubber gloves worn by some of the operatives. Papua New Guinea | In that 1977 case, Ingraham v. Wright, the court upheld the practice by a 5-to-4 vote, concluding that the Eighth Amendment applies only to criminal punishments even though no such limit appears in the amendments text. WebCorporal punishment definition, physical punishment, as flogging, inflicted on the body of one convicted of a crime: formerly included the death penalty, sentencing to a term of years, etc.
2) (Jersey) Law 2007. There is no date. Such forms of punishment have been outlawed. The new superintendent of the Arkansas prison system in January 1968 abolished the use of the strap, which he here shows to the press.
Ireland |
According to a report by UNICEF, more than a quarter of caregivers in the world believe that physical punishment is a necessary aspect of the discipline.