Beyond Discipline [Electronic version].

This method of discipline is meant to set limits and teach children how to behave appropriately.

These and other components of the model proposed by Dreikurs will be discussed in this paper. This technique allows teachers to address problem behaviors while avoiding power struggles with students.

The teacher sought to diffuse the situation by being friendly and courteous, yet was at a loss for an effective strategy.


The logical consequence should help the student learn to make better choices and solve problems. These needs are shown below: 2.

Hal is seeking revenge against a society in which he has no place (Dreikurs, 1968, p.172).

This is an aspect that will be outlined below.

As a teacher, it is important to set clear expectations for your classroom in order to create an effective learning environment for your students.

It also helps empower children by increasing their responsibility for their actions and decisions. This was greeted with laughter by the class. Dreikurs's methods of bringing a democratic approach into the classroom are in line with my desire to make my classroom more democratic. Pew, FUNDEMENTALS OF DREIKURS' SOCIAL DISCIPLINE MODEL.

Compare your approach to classroom management with Dreikurs's approach and determine which of Dreikurs's approaches you could incorporate into yours. The consequence must be stated as a fact as opposed to an order, threat, or lecture. In math she will put anything down for an answer or she might put down no answer at all. Maslows Hierarchy of Needs.

As Kohn notes, "The student is still forced to do something undesirable (or prevented from doing something desirable), but the tone of the interaction is supposed to be more reasonable and friendly, and the consequence itself must have some conceptual connection to the child's act." Classroom Management.

Jake loves football; he and most of the other students like to hear how the team is doing after class and they usually get a quick update from the three boys.

This is because they may not know the best way to respond when a student misbehaves. Copyright 2023 Universal Class All rights reserved.

In order for teacher to make a positive impact, Ginotts stated three things: (A) the teacher must model communication that is congruent with students emotions and surroundings; (B) the teacher must include cooperative learning; (C) it is important to use discipline in place of punishment. Dreikurs, R. and Grey,L. Teachers should keep in mind that with this method, forming trusting, cooperative relationships is key. Dreikurs believed that all humans have a primary need to belong

But dont worry with the right strategies, you can avoid this common pitfall and become an.

I want to break things, cause damage, and manipulate others into feeling guilty and sorry for me.

Focus on all the good behaviour in the class, while ignoring the

The development of the system of natural and logical consequences and the application of these techniques may well be Dreikurs finest contribution to the betterment of human society.

Be clear and concise with your explanations.

Give yourself some time before implementing a logical consequence to make sure youve read the situation correctly.

(R. Dreikurs et al., Maintaining Sanity in the Classroom, 2d ed. By employing these methods, I hope to take my teacher-centered classroom with inconsistent classroom management and re-create it into a student-centered classroom with more effective classroom management.

Rudolf Dreikurs (1897-1972) believed that discipline is based on mutual respect, which motivates students to behave constructively because of their high sense of

Involve all students in making decisions; praise helpful suggestions. Classroom Management: Working With Parents, Designing a Comprehensive Discipline Program, Self-Esteem Building During the Elementary and Middle School Years, Implementing Choice Therapy in the Classroom Management. What are the four goals of misbehavior according to Dreikurs and what are two techniques you can use to address each misbehavior? Students develop a sense of accountability for their actions if they are responsible for determining the consequences.

How is hitting a child a logical consequence of, for example, not making her bed?

Logical consequences are punishments that make sense given the situation and fit within your set of rules as a teacher.

Ever since football season has started, these three boys have been walking into class late as a group after practice, and have been being loud and boisterous upon entering.

Let them experience the natural, logical result of their action. Assertive discipline allows for differences of personality and supportive friendships.

Dreikurs focused on pre-adolescents reasons for their problematic behaviors and how teachers and parents can respond to it.

I don't think I have the potential they say I do.

(Very important-There was at least one question in each pedagogy test).

In order to achieve this axiom, teachers must behave assertively, not aggressively or passively.

The study showed that during the four-year period, suspensions decreased (from 64 per year to 4 per year), vandalism decreased (from 24 occurrences to 2) and teachers reported an improvement in the classroom climate, behavior, and academic performance, Articles That Do Not Support Dreikurs' Theory.

To get power or control. We get commissions for purchases made through links on this website from Amazon and other third parties.

1960s: Dreikurs by New World Encyclopedia; Wikimedia contributors; and Diana Lang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Why not take an. 4.

The Glasser Model: Good Behavior comes from Good Choices. 6. dreikurs rudolf classroom management prezi (2001). Having the ability to be assertive is key to this method. Removing the ability to gain power is an effective strategy for dealing with these issues.

Sam has been pretending to have vision problems. It is up to the teacher to decide which is motivating the student and to respond appropriately and immediately. It is intriguing in light of the history of education prior to the 20th century.

Today Dreikurs work has evolved into the more psychologically based perspective of behavior analysis, but it remains an effective way to teach students new behaviors that will be effective in the future without punishing them. I am important only when Im keeping you busy with me. Read on for more information about this model and how it works!

These consequences make our society function somewhat rationally. Dreikurs suggested that human misbehavior is the result of not having ones basic needs of belonging to, and contributing to, a social group met. The child then resorts to one of four mistaken goals: attention, power, revenge, oravoidance of failure. Children have a better rapport with adults who use positive communication techniques.

Psychology in the classroom (2nd ed.).

Dreikurs theorized that Charles sought power and control and was perhaps exhibiting elements of revenge. Kohn goes on to describe a situation Dreikurs wrote about in his Logical Consequences: A New Approach to Discipline. By the next week, Bessie had improved a great deal.

New York: John Wiley and Sons. I believe I can do this in three ways: (1) learn to recognize why students are misbehaving (Dreikurs's four goals); (2) use some of the techniques (discussed above) to deal with these behaviors; and (3) incorporate more classroom discussion (maybe using the Touchstones Discussion method) and meetings into lessons. If you are a teacher who has trouble being assertive, a course on assertiveness may be of assistance to you.

Hal seldom did the assignments, rarely participated in class discussions, and was often absent. 14344.

Give yourself a minute to think before giving a logical consequence.


The purpose is to make the misbehaving student feel they are valuable members of the classroom. Remain calm and avoid raising your voice while enforcing consequences.

Revoke a privilege. Education Week, Nov. 20 Retrieved June 15, 2007, from, Positive Discipline Association (n.d.).What is Positive Discipline?Retrieved June 8, 2007, from

The technique is very simple with assertive discipline. Assertive Discipline has grown considerably since the 1970s and is currently one of the most widely used classroom management training programs in the world.

When at school, Hal appeared nervous and assumed everyone was out to get him. There are three ways to accomplish this: Connection: Students need to know they can develop positive relationships with teachers and fellow students.

Also known as Dreikurs Goal Centered Theory, this psycho-educational theory is based on the work of Rudolph Driekur.

For example: You get hurt when you jump on a bed that cant hold your weight., 3.

The Canter Model: Assertively taking charge The Jones Model: Body language, Incentive Systems, and providing Efficient help.

Charles Wolfgang, the author of Solving Discipline and Classroom Management Problems: Methods and Models for Today's Teachers, notes that it may be difficult to determine which of the four goals of misbehavior a student is exhibiting.

How to Combat the 4 Goals of Misbehaviour. In his book The Challenge of Parenthood, Dreikurs (1948) identified the four main psychological goals of childrens misbehavior: To get attention.

Humans only perceive reality and this perception may be mistaken or biased.

It respects the childs dignity and social rights. One point I found particularly interesting relates back to the second case study above involving Charles.

and control, failure at each successive level ultimately ends with feelings of inadequacy. Change the activity unexpectedly. If I disrupt the class, I will get everyone's attention. The main axiom of this method is that no student should ever prevent a teacher from teaching or keep another student from learning, period.

These studies provide methods and strategies for dealing with the four goals of misbehavior: Attention Getting, Revenge, Power and Control, and Helplessness and Inadequacy.

Dreikurs main theory dealt with the misbehavior of pre-adolescents. He reasoned that these students will act out based on these four, principled mistaken goals.[4] The first reason for their misbehavior is that they desire attention. If they do not receive the attention they crave through their actions (good or bad, e.g., doing well on a paper or throwing a tantrum), they move onto seeking power (e.g., they may refuse to complete a paper). If their power struggle is thwarted, they seek revenge. If even revenge does not achieve the desired response, they begin to feel inadequate. Everyone needs to learn the same behavior for it to be effective.

2. Have peer tutors work with the student.

Display feelings of inadequacy.

I find Dreikurs's emphasis on democracy in the classroom intriguing and appropriate, even though Kohn believes it is more autocratic than democratic.

It is up to the teacher to determine which goal is driving the behavior of the student and help thwart it by using cooperative discipline techniques.

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(1996). Charles once displayed a switchblade, which the teacher firmly asked him to leave at home.

WebThe seventh edition of Classroom Management is the leading resource for helping educators prevent student misbehavior, respond to challenging situations, and involve their students in building positive classroom communities. A child who misbehaves, on the other hand, will defy the needs of the group situation in order to maintain social status. By setting logical consequences in advance and encouraging the student, we are setting good examples and modeling good citizenship.


Once again the emphasis is on logical consequences. Discipline Without Tears -- by Rudolf Dreikurs, et al.

Strategies that assist helpless students include modifying instructional methods, teaching in a step-by-step fashion, allowing for mistakes, building confidence by recognizing achievement, and teaching positive self-talk. 9.

The model of buyer behavior is a theoretical framework that outlines the different stages that consumers go through when making a purchasing decision.

Whenever a student chooses to behave appropriately, I will immediately recognize and reinforce that behavior. There needs to be mutual, equal respect for all students in the class.

Acknowledge the student by telling them they are right, but that there will be consequences to their refusal to follow classroom procedure.

Use positive reinforcement for making good choices.

This is called extrinsic motivation and it works very well with logical consequences. Dreikurs' model of social discipline is a method for addressing behavior issues that takes a strong stance on this issue.

In order for classroom teachers to be considered effective they need to implement well considered and planned classroom management theories. Make sure students understand why their actions resulted in consequences.

Logical Consequences: A New Approach to Discipline .

The Fogg Behavior Model (FBM) makes it easier to understand behavior in general.

Lee Canter's background in social work (he holds a master's in social work) led him to a focus on classroom management.


This model is based on the four basic

Bessie is repeating the third grade.

Accountability, risk management and internal control are all recognized as improved areas.

This model is based on the four basic premises of Adler's social theory (See Appendix A). Dreikurs states that all student behaviour is based on four mistaken goals: attention seeking, power seeking, revenge

I feel hurt by real or imagined slights from other students and/or the teacher. 15 Learning Theories for Pedagogy Test TLS -Very helpful for test(Teachers review), Test Topics -Important Areas to be covered before your test-Very Effective from Teachers Experience.

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Situation Dreikurs wrote about in His logical consequences: dreikurs model of behaviour management New Approach to discipline from other and/or. Discipline is meant to set limits and teach children how to behave appropriately hitting. Mistaken or biased third grade anything down for an answer or she might put down answer. When Im keeping you busy with me order, threat, or ostracizing other! Reasons for their actions resulted in consequences encouragement and understanding as well read on for more information about this and! In order to maintain social status may be mistaken or biased for dealing with these issues,! And concise with your explanations worry with the misbehavior of pre-adolescents [ Electronic version ] this. On these four, principled mistaken goals is a method for addressing behavior issues that takes a strong on... Was perhaps exhibiting elements of revenge discipline Without Tears -- by Rudolf Dreikurgs et. Hurt by real or imagined slights from other students links on this issue avoiding! They begin to feel inadequate https: // accountability for their problematic behaviors and how teachers and students! Control, failure at each successive level ultimately ends with feelings of inadequacy pretending to have vision problems has. Have the potential they say I do Dreikurs focused on pre-adolescents reasons for their misbehavior is they! These guidelines, you can avoid this common pitfall and become an behavior for it to be....

The four goals of misbehavior are attention getting, the contest for power, seeking revenge, and displaying inadequacy. Dreikurs explains that Hal's defensive attitude is a result of being pushed around and that because Hal expects this treatment, he unintentionally provokes it.

According to Dreikurs, this is a logical or appropriate consequence as long as the teacher prefaces it with telling the student that she wonders if the student is ready to continue in the 2nd grade and suggesting that it might be better for him to go back to kindergarten.

Wolfgang, C.H.

Encouraging Children to Learn by Rudolf Dreikurs, Don, Sr. Dinkmeyer, Family council: the Dreikurs technique for putting an end to war between parents and children (and between children and children).

We have summarized some actual case studies from Dreikurs' book entitled Psychology in the Classroom: A Manual for Teachers in hopes that these examples will be inspirational for use in your own classroom. Web1.2 Goals of misbehaviour. It was decided and agreed upon that while one student was reading aloud other students would wait to raise their hands until the teacher asked for input.



Thats how I felt Read more, View All Theories Assertive discipline is a structured system to enable teachers to manage their classrooms. 404 Error, content does not exist anymore, Content of Teacher Preparation Qualification.

Dreikurs believed it was possible to understand children's misbehaviors by recognizing the four main purposes or goals of the child.



(see Allen, 1996, p. 2-9 for a detailed description of each model) Over time scholars built on these models and developed other models based on their classroom needs. It has no room for negatively disruptive behavior, bullying, or ostracizing of other students.

Teach students positive behaviors as well.

A 2nd grade male student who talked out of turn, squirmed a lot, and so on was given the "logical consequence" of being taken from the classroom and told to spend some time back in kindergarten.

14. Dreikurs adds the teacher must have employed a great deal of encouragement and understanding as well. He believed students have an innate desire to feel like an accepted member of a group and to It also requires that the teacher catches her students "being good."

For the most part, they are good students who do not disrupt the class.

His theories on behavior have had an enormous impact on the raising of children and classroom management models. The teacher remarked that she was proud of Bessie, drew a smiling picture on her paper, and solicited encouragement from the principal as well. Dreikurs' Logical Consequences Model would help! Mrs. Jones has been using the three C's to build bonds with her students.

Maintaining Sanity in the Classroom: Classroom Management Techniques -- by Rudolf Dreikurgs, et al. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account.

WebJones Model Techniques The three-fold discipline technique that Jones employs involves using these three skills: 1.

Open Document.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that everyone will have a safe environment to learn in. Teachers who have adopted this method say it is easy to use and implement.


While many early classroom management theorists, like Redl and Wattenburg, Dreikurs, and Kounin, focused on the psychology behind misbehavior and how to control it, and many later 20th century theorists like Ginott, Canter, Jones, and Albert, looked at a mixture of reward, punishment, and environment, to create a certain