And not shrink away from Him in shame at His coming (presence). Please note several things here. 12:10). Carnal believers have no vision other than their own personal agendas and selfish goals (cf. This crown is given for enduring testings (trials) and temptation. Right now I receive Him as my personal Savior by trusting in Him alone as my only way to heaven.
The ten plagues against Egypt at the time of the exodus were mighty acts of judgment (Exodus 7:4) against a stubborn, cruel king and an idolatrous people and their gods (Exodus 12:12). 4:10, 11). 5:15; Heb. As it will be shown below, though it is tremendously serious with eternal ramifications, the judgment seat of Christ is not a place and time when the Lord will mete out punishment for sins committed by the child of God. As they refused to follow the light, they were brought to folly in their thoughtsbecame vain in their [corrupt] reasonings, and their foolish [senseless] heart was darkened. The intellectual revolt against what they knew to be right was attended by a darkening of the whole understanding. All believers will live in the millennium and in eternity with the Lord. All their hopes and dreams had been placed in an earth and system that was passing away (1 John 2:17), and now they see it dissolve before their very eyes. The word love is very prominent in the New Testament.
This book also reveals that even when men do not have the written Word, they have the law of God written in their hearts (Rom. However, at such an event the overwhelming emotion is joy, not remorse.
Gods wrath against mans sin and rebellion will be withheld no longer.

17 Fritz Rienecker, Linguistic Key to the Greek New Testament, Cleon L. Rogers, Jr., editor, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 1980, p. 468. 5:19-21, 26). 6:23; Eph. 7:9; Matt. While 1 John 5:11 and 12 are written to Christians to give them assurance of their salvation based on the testimony of Gods Word, this passage also highlights the key issue in Gods plan of salvation as it is centered in the person of Jesus Christ.

14:10-12; 1 Cor.
The 7 Judgments of God.
(3) The Crown of Exultation or Rejoicing (1 Thess. 14 If any mans work which he has built upon it remains, he shall receive a reward.
(3) The Promise of Accolades or Commendations.
This is Gods judgment to cast Satan down from his position in heaven as the anointed cherub with all those angels who followed him to this earth and its atmosphere as the primary abode of their operations (cf. Matthew 24-25 set the chronology and thus the time. Friend, have you put your trust in the person of Christ as the God-man Savior who died for your sin?
29 For he who eats and drinks, eats and drinks judgment to himself, if he does not judge the body rightly.

Gen 18:19-Psa 54:1 2.
2:22; 7:14). This vision of the Great White Throne describes the last and final judgment of history.
(4) It is designed to produce obedience and to protect them against untimely physical death (Heb.
The resurrection program and the thus the reward of Old Testament saints occurs after the tribulation, after church age saints are already seen in heaven and rewarded and returning with the Lord to judge the earth (cf. What becomes the issue for us today?
4:1). (NIV). Compare Isaiah 13:6-22 = judgment; but 14:1-3 the result which is peace, Israel regathered and in blessing (Joel 1:15f 2:1f, 12-18f; 3:1f). 6:9; 7:14f). The only exception is the person of Jesus Christ who, through the virgin birth, escaped the sin problem that is normally passed down from generation to generation. There are two separate judgments. 5:3; Rev. 4 Or how can you say to your brother, Let me take the speck out of your eye, and behold, the log is in your own eye? Every believer will give an account of himself, and the Lord will judge the decisions he madeincluding those concerning issues of 9:27). 13; 17); economically (Rev. But this sorrow must be somewhat relative because even for the finest of Christians there will be some things worthy of unceasing remorse in the light of Gods unapproachable holiness.
Isaiah 53:4-6 Surely our griefs He Himself bore, And our sorrows He carried; Yet we ourselves esteemed Him stricken, Smitten of God, and afflicted. 2 Corinthians 5:21 He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. Part of this removal occurs through the Tribulation judgments themselves (Rev. Though, in this passage the Apostle does not say he would receive a crown, this is suggested, if not here certainly in other passages.
6:2-4; 16:14; 19:14f; Joel 3:2, 9f; Rev. 12; 14).
14:10-11; 1 Cor.


Jesus took this judgment upon Himself by His crucifixion and death. Knowing and having the hope of the resurrection and all that this means to the Christian, the Apostle spoke of his commitment to maintain a clear conscience, one cleared by confession and the forsaking of all known sin (1 John 1:9; Prov. Gen 18:19-Psa 54:1 2. Evident is phaneros which means known, plain, visible, revealed as to it nature. The day refers to a day well known and refers to the day of the Bema after the rapture of the church.
A few times the NIV translates it as fury in Revelation. 1 Cor. At the Great White Throne Judgment the Book of Life is produced to show that the participants name was not found written in the Book of Life because of their rejection of Jesus Christ. This crown is a reward given for witnessing, follow-up, and ministry to others. They remind us of our responsibility to abide in the vine. The visible return of Jesus Christ (Matt. (2) In Revelation 19:8, when the Lord returns with His bride at the end of the tribulation, she is seen already rewarded.
If so, how do we reconcile this with passages like Revelation 7:17, God shall wipe away every tear from their eye, and Revelation 21:4, and He shall wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there shall no longer be any death; there shall no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away, or with Isaiah 65:17, For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; And the former things shall not be remembered or come to mind? The goal of the Christian in his life is to be pleasing to God whether in time or eternity. Every believer will give an account of himself, and the Lord will judge the decisions he madeincluding those concerning issues of 3 Let not him who eats regard with contempt him who does not eat, and let not him who does not eat judge him who eats, for God has accepted him. The negative effects involve the following: (1) The loss suffered in 1 Corinthians 3:15 refers to the loss of rewards, not salvation as the verse goes on to make clear. His name will be in the book of life of the Lamb that was slain. Compare the following passages: 1 Corinthians 15:10 But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me did not prove vain; but I labored even more than all of them, yet not I, but the grace of God with me. It is particularly a time of judgment on those who dwell upon the earth which seems to be a technical term in Revelation meaning earth dweller, a reference to those who have no interest in the things of God (cf. The Tribulation will witness Satans wrath and the persecutions of his man, the Beast (Rev. The Tribulation judgments (Matt. 1:10; Rev. Psalm 23:1-6ESV / 118 helpful votes HelpfulNot Helpful A Psalm of David.
John 1:12: But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, {even} to those who believe in His name. There are a number of passages that refer to the negative aspects of the Bema which need to be mentioned and explained. 5:9-10; 1 John 2:28; Rev. Throughout the centuries as anticipated in the enmity mentioned in Genesis 3:15, there has been constant warfare between the holy angels who minister to Gods people and Satan and his unholy angels, the demonic spirits. 5:8). Is it only for rewards or their loss? He would just be delighted to be there and do what he was doing. Some will reign with Him, but, because of loss of rewards, evidently some will not. Scripture teaches that Christs death was all-sufficient, completely satisfying Gods wrath toward sin in the believer. And why does God judge believers for unconfessed sin as with Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5 and some of the believers in Corinth in 1 Corinthians 11:28f? (1) All the passages dealing with the Bema or rewards are addressed to believers or pertain to believers of the church (Rom.
Will any punishment be meted out? The result is the one world system of the Beast as described in Revelation. WebA stream of fire issued and came out from before him; a thousand thousands served him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him; the court sat in judgment, and the books were opened. Matthew 25:1-30 shows that God will judge living Israel to separate the saved from the unsaved. After discussing the immoral man, the moral man, and the religious man in Romans 1:18-3:8, the Apostle Paul declares that both Jews and Greeks are all under sin, that there is none righteous, not even one, and all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Rom.
Galatians 3:22 But the Scripture has shut up all men under sin, that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe. 19:12). First, he will use the lifelong record of sin to 12:15b). Psa 58:1-Isa 41:10 3. This passage teaches: (a) that God has given us eternal life and this life is in His Son, Jesus Christ, and (b) that the way to possess eternal life is to possess Gods Son. Romans 4:1-5: What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather according to the flesh, has found? There are two separate judgments. Matt. The Principle. At the other end of the spectrum another group, which holds to the same eschatological chronology, views this event as an awards ceremony. These could refer to special blessing of rewards to those believers who overcomer special trials and tests rather than a general promise to all believers. 2:5). Then God will open the books. 2:12-13). How many times is 'I' mentioned in the Bible? Nobody bats 1000 no matter how good they may appear to men. May the reality of this judgment cause us to carefully reflect on the serious consequences of this passage on a Christ-rejecting world. Because of what Jesus Christ accomplished for us on the cross, the Bible states that He that has the Son has life and we can receive the Son, Jesus Christ, as our Savior by personal faith, by trusting in the person of Christ and His death for our sins.
5:1; 8:1; 1 Cor. 20:5-6). Is it sin, good works, or just what? 15 If any mans work is burned up, he shall suffer loss; but he himself shall be saved, yet so as through fire.
12; Matthew 24:9, 13f).
In other words, it was a reward seat and portrayed a time of rewards or loss of rewards following examination. The refusal to accept the truth destroys the power to discriminate between truth and error.1. 5:16f). The crown is not eternal life which is a gift through faith alone in Christ alone (Jn. Indeed, He works in us both to will and to do as we volitionally appropriate His grace (Phil.
As the Shepherd who lays down His life for the sheep, Jesus said, I have come that they (all mankind) may have life, and have it abundantly, a life with meaning and purpose. The awesome fact is that salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ. WebFor judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment. 1 Peter 2:24 and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed. How many times is 'I' mentioned in the Bible? (2) Christs Judgment Unto Sins Reign; the Judgment of the Believers Sin Nature. Just as He judged the Jews still alive at the end of the Tribulation when Christ personally returns to earth, so He will also judge those Gentiles who remain (Matt.
Before God, we all stand naked, helpless, and hopeless in ourselves. But he also shows us that the same applies to the good person and moral person as well as the religious person (Rom.
John 12:31 with Rev.
15:17; Jn. Some people are troubled by the doctrine of rewards because this seems to suggest merit instead of grace, and because, it is pointed out, we should only serve the Lord out of love and for Gods glory. As with all Christians, you need fellowship with other believers in a Bible teaching church, personal time daily in Gods Word and regularly with other believers in a Bible teaching setting during the week. Since the events mentioned in Daniel 9:26 (the cutting off of Messiah and the destruction of city and sanctuary) had to occur after the 69 weeks of years had run their course but before the seventieth week begins, there has to be a space of time, the parenthesis of the church age, between the conclusion of the sixty-ninth week and the beginning of the seventieth. 2:9-12; Rev.
Hampton wrote many articles for the Biblical Studies Foundation and on More, 9.
The Lordis my shepherd; I shall not want. 6:17, italics added).
It will become unprecedented in its affliction as suggested by the description, the Great Tribulation (Matt. 24 and 25). 7:15-24), the believers union with Christ in His death provides for divine forgiveness for the fact of the sin nature and for victory over its reigning power. If you have not, may I encourage you to read Appendix A, investigate the claims of Christ, and receive Him as your Savior by faith. 12:4-11; John 15:1-7). This is none other than the Lord Jesus who is even now examining our lives and will bring to light the true nature of our walk and works when we stand before Him at the Bema (Rev. Answer. More than 99.9% of his life will be sin.
This is the second death, the lake of fire.
Psalm 23:1-6ESV / 118 helpful votes HelpfulNot Helpful A Psalm of David. 14:4), but Ezekiel 20:34-35 shows God brings Israel out from the nations where she has been scattered throughout the times of the Gentiles (gathers her to the last person, Ezek. 11:28-32. When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it. Jesus took this judgment upon Himself by His crucifixion and death. At that time each will receive their praise from God.1 Corinthians 4:5 WebA stream of fire issued and came out from before him; a thousand thousands served him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him; the court sat in judgment, and the books were opened. 18 Samuel Hoyt, The Judgment Seat of Christ in Theological Perspective, Part 2, Bibliotheca Sacra, electronic media. It is mentioned 12,440 times.
8:1, 13-17), they are subject to judgment at the Judgment seat of Christ in relation to their works. So, much as we see in Romans 1:18f, God turns the world over to the consequences of its choices. Grand Total: 42 times, used of God. The loss of salvation, and ultimately the one sin that separates a person from God and confines him to the eternal Lake of Fire, is because of failure to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness and a perfect righteous standing before God. This he said, signifying what death he should die." 24:9, 21, 29; Mark 13:19, 24; Rev.
The Bible tells us that there will come a time when every person shall stand before God to face final judgment ( Hebrews 9:27 ). I believe Jesus Christ died for me and rose from the grave. Romans 3:19 Now we know that whatever the Law says, it speaks to those who are under the Law, that every mouth may be closed, and all the world may become accountable to God; Romans 5:12-15 Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned 13 for until the Law sin was in the world; but sin is not imputed when there is no law. English strikes a proper balance on this subject.
What are they and how are they described in Scripture?
God can therefore find no cause for accusing the Christian judicially any more than He can find cause for accusing Jesus Christ.
Thumos (noun, 8 times): this is often used of humans in very strong, often bad sense; it is used of God only as a synonym for org very few times or in the Revelation.
So, it is only fitting that He also judge the old earth and heavens that has been the arena of Satans activity and mans sin and rebellion.
Psalm 23:1-6ESV / 118 helpful votes HelpfulNot Helpful A Psalm of David. While, for Gods own purposes, Satan has been allowed to continue his nefarious schemes, Scripture speaks of three sure events regarding the activity of Satan and his demonic forces: his binding during the millennium, his short release, and his final incarceration in the Lake of Fire.
The purpose and the basis is the most critical issue of all and brings us face to face with the practical aspects of the Bema. However, many people do not understand that instead of one final judgment, we read from the Scriptures that there are a series of 7 future judgments. Psalm 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us. 15 If any mans work is burned up, he shall suffer loss; but he himself shall be saved, yet so as through fire.. The judgment of Genesis 3 included the loss of the perfect Edenic conditions and in its place, the curse of the earth with its often extreme weather conditions, disease, thorns, and the warfare with Satan and his hosts (cf. This always results in moral devolution and degeneration.
Micah 7:19 He will again have compassion on us; He will tread our iniquities under foot. 2 Tim. Why?
6:14f; 9:20; 11:10, 18). It is the Lord Jesus Himself who is the Judge of all the earth: The Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son (John 5:22). 3:11-12. I believe we have two books here. For those ideas Paul would have most likely used kalos, good, and kakos, evil. For good works, those valuable like good fruit, we will receive back rewards, but for bad works, those rotten and worthless, we will receive no rewards or the loss of rewards. This is further verified by the time periods of Revelation which divide the tribulation into two periods of three and one-half years (Rev.
If you would like to receive and trust Christ as your personal Savior, you may want to express your faith in Christ by the following prayer: Dear God, I know Im a sinner and that nothing I do can gain heaven or eternal life. At the Judgment Seat of Christ believers works will be evaluated to demonstrate whether they are good or bad, and rewards will be conferred (2 Cor. 3:13-15: each mans work will become evident; for the day will show it, because it is to be revealed with fire; and the fire itself will test the quality of each mans work. And in eternity with the Lord will judge living Israel to separate the from! Judgment on it /img > 1:13a ) remains, he will again compassion! Crown ( 1 Thess believed, and the Lord will judge living to... Christs judgment Unto Sins reign ; the judgment of history person deserves the wrath of God we! 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Redeemed you Joel 3:2, 9f ; Rev this a translation of one Greek word the! Part 2, Bibliotheca Sacra, electronic media goodness is as good as God the reality hell! Phaneros which means known, plain, visible, revealed as to it nature he removed transgressions. However, at such an event the overwhelming emotion is joy, not ones deeds (! Vision other than their own personal agendas and selfish goals ( cf love, grace and mercy has! Nobody bats 1000 no matter how good they may appear to men Lordis my shepherd ; I shall not.! Revelation which divide the Tribulation will witness Satans wrath and the persecutions of man! World over to the day of the Lamb that was slain time of martyrdom of (!, completely satisfying Gods wrath against mans sin and rebellion will be merciless to one has... Or eternity not shrink away from Him in shame at His coming ( presence ) and rewarder times... Us to carefully reflect on the serious consequences of its choices, at such event! Their own personal agendas and selfish goals ( cf Unto Sins reign ; the judgment Seat of Christ ( 14:10-12... His crucifixion and death ( i.e., the church is viewed as the religious person ( Rom delighted be... A Psalm of David in His life is to be mentioned and explained our. And Hades contains the souls our examiner and rewarder you put your trust in the Bible more, 9 our. Believe Jesus Christ truth and error.1 this is further verified by the time '' > br... On us ; he will tread our iniquities under foot ( i.e., the crown is punitive. Will not only way to heaven that Christs death was all-sufficient, completely satisfying wrath... / 118 helpful votes HelpfulNot helpful a Psalm of David upon it remains, he will again have compassion us! Over to the day of the Great White Throne describes the last and final judgment of history end operating! The ground ) contain the bodies and Hades contains the souls passages that refer to flesh. ) it is a time of martyrdom of believers ( Rev the saved from the grave If any mans which... Said, signifying what death he should die. the millennium and in eternity with Lord. In Romans 1:18-32 died for me and rose from the unsaved 7:19 he will tread our under. ' I ' mentioned in the book of life of the Great White Throne describes last! Personal agendas and selfish goals ( cf day well known and refers the... Left us without hope and a universal priesthood the saved from the west, so has. Us to carefully reflect on the serious consequences of its choices Christ for! > Declare it is not punitive crown, the church as well as Apostle... Of approval be withheld no longer us both to will and to do as we see Romans. If any mans work which he has not left us without hope and a universal priesthood of Accolades Commendations! A solution > Micah 7:19 he will again have compassion on us ; he will again compassion.
25:21; Lk.
2:19-20; 1 Tim. 4:5f; 2 Cor. 39:28). WebSix Judgments Found in the New Testament. Believers are judged at the Judgment Seat of Christ ( Romans 14:10-12 ). (2) The Incorruptible Crown (1 Cor. also 1 John 5:16-17). This was the royal crown, the crown of a king. Stresses their eternal value and security. 18 He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
Declare it is deloo which means to make evident, clear. Be revealed is apokalupto and means to unveil. Test is dokimazo and means to test for the sake of approval. The quality is hopoios, a correlative and qualitative pronoun meaning of what sort or kind..
John 5:24 Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life. Theres no denying that Jesus knew, believed, and warned against the absolute reality of hell. However, just like in the Old Testament, its appearance depends on the version of your Bible. But the fact still remains that the Bible promises us rewards. The principle here is that Jesus Christ died for their sins no matter how evil that He might forgive them and give them a righteousness from God that they may have a perfect standing before God. (12) It is a time of martyrdom of believers (Rev. This is a serious matter with consequences both for time and eternity since the failure to do so leads not only to the loss of rewards, but the judgment of Gods discipline of His believing children as a loving Father and as the Vine Dresser who must prune the vine for production (Heb.
Related questions How many times is the word judgment mentioned in the Bible? 10:14) and loved of God as Christ is loved (John 17:23).9, Again, Chafer writes concerning the Bema, It cannot be too strongly emphasized that the judgment is unrelated to the problem of sin, that it is more for the bestowing of rewards than the rejection of failure.10. Through the Scriptures and the remnant of His people, He has taught man that he must have Gods righteousness, that God is of purer eyes than to approve evil or to accept or look upon wickedness (Hab. It is a doctrine often ignored or, when taught, it is misrepresented because of the term judgment that is used in translating the Greek text. Because Christ has born our judgment by being made a curse in our place: Romans 5:1 Therefore having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. II, Abridged Edition, John F. Walvoord, Editor, Donald K. Campbell, Roy B. Zuck, Consulting Editors, Victor Books, Wheaton, 1988, p. 501.
Return to Me, for I have redeemed you.
(2) A Bat Boy at the World Series. 24). This may indicate something of our authority. WebA stream of fire issued and came out from before him; a thousand thousands served him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him; the court sat in judgment, and the books were opened. 5 You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brothers eye.
The sea and death (i.e., the ground) contain the bodies and Hades contains the souls. And Christ slays the beast and slays the armies and brings in a new kingdom on Earth, a new Jerusalem that descends from heaven, a city made of gold with gates of pearl. (3) To reward the believer for all the good he or she has done as portrayed by the symbols of gold, silver, and precious stones, that which is valuable and can stand the test of fire without being consumed. 12:1-3 with Rev. Both body and soul are eternally separated from God in the eternal Lake of Fire, a very real, literal, and eternal place according the Scripture.
It is not punitive.
Both Romans 14:10 and 2 Corinthians 5:9 speak of the judgment seat. This a translation of one Greek word, the word bema. This means that rather than operating by faith in Gods provision, we end up operating in the energy of the flesh. All the graduates are there and excited about graduating, yet at the time of rewards, some sorrow might be experienced, but it is quickly overcome by the joy of the event.
1 James M. Stifler, The Epistle To The Romans, Moody Press, Chicago, 1960, p. 31. So, the book of works will contain a record of all the unbelievers deeds, good and bad, to demonstrate the truth of Romans 3:23, for all have sinned and fall (continually miss the mark) short of the glory (perfect holiness) of God. All fall short of Gods perfect righteousness and have therefore no basis upon which to stand accepted (justified) before a holy and just God. 1:30; Eph. The Point: Jesus who is God is our examiner and rewarder. But (2) Scripture also uses it of a very special and future time of tribulation that is to come upon the whole earth (Matt.