Words with Friends is a popular online game that combines the way you used to play Scrabble with fun and innovative new rules, in a crossword-style game! Step 1: Young attractive woman (well a photo of one anyway) at Lvl 1 challenging you to a game check. They all seen to be American working in the Army in Afghanistan (latest one William Milton a General no less), sometimes brought up in an orphanage (for the awwww factor), all seem to have lost their wives to cancer (again awww) and all want to go on whatsapp, hangout or facebook so they can look at your beautiful photos. Let me know if you have been scammed by him too. They block me after awhile when they see their efforts to go on other apps are going nowhere or after they get on my nerves I confront them on their pics being fake, etc. Yes, start a facebook page, I will definitely contribute..let me know My grandmother (85 female) has been scammed out of over 1.2 MILLION dollars from 1 or many scammers over the last probably 1-2 years. You are different then others. Jose Daniel.beware of him scamming! I could be his mother. Every method of scamming has been used on her and she is in complete denial that its not a real person. Started chatting with all the normal stupid stuff, and then said that he was happily married before, but along the way my wife got blown up in a gas station fire with my daughter.. Sometimes I feel like its the same person changing aliases and pictures. I googled predators on WWF and found this article. I got a doozy the other day! Hopefully your mom didnt lose any money to him. Sad. SocialCatfish.com does not make any representation or warranty about the character or the integrity of the person, business, or entity about which you inquire, or the information available through our website or that you receive from us or any or our representatives. Then she kept asking me if I had texted her yet. Im so sorry to hear that! Thomas?? Another one of their ploys is that theyre sending her money back plus more.. Then, they will say that the money package is being help up in port and that she will need to send them an additional $3k to have it released to her.. There is no chatting between us, but I suspect that Words with friend uses bots to keep you playing as much as possible. Snow ( GOT- or what??) I said country, IL Divo, pop. Its hard to resist. I reported his info to Ftc.gov. Two have asked to communicate outside of the game i.e. Getting ready to contact Federal Trade commission. He asked me to marry him the next day!
He continues to ask for money with the promise to pay me back when he gets back to the states. I had to block him in words with friends and whatsapp. The WWF scam is newer, but it has already claimed at least one victim: a New Zealand woman lost $60,000 over the course of months to a con artist. But it certainly entertaining. Thats a red flag. Massive scorer with words I had never heard of and grammar good at firstthen the personal questions then bad grammar (these scammers have an itellegent first writer then pass to another once they engage you in conversation). She tells me she is in Dublin just now to pick up her gold inheritance. Curious to know the outcome, I am so happy for all the posting on here. I was totally scammed by him. Mine was named SullivanJohn, engineer on an oil rig, wife died of cancer, daughter died in car accident and bringing up 8 year old granddaughter. Although users do sometimes make online friends through the app, its more often an exception than the rule. Or I tell them I dont chat with strangers. He got mad when I wouldnt do it. They dont play lightening rounds but find potential victims that way. Ive been messing with them too knowing they are phishing. Please Stop doing this to all of us!!!!!!!!!! Said was in Dubia but was sent to Nigeria where he was robbed anf beaten . An engineer in Turkey. They will text for hours trying to build this new true love relationship. Three women have started games with me. Ive had plenty of those people do the same thing. Dont ever give in to these degenerates!! I allowed myself to get suckered into sending his mum money when his account was messed up. LOL! Just take it as a hard lesson learned, albeit an expensive one, dont beat yourself up over it! They get real .mad. We contacted police..no help.
Not this guy lol! He goes by James Richard in WWF. They try to be as slick. I bet that is adjusting based on who hes talking to. (His kids didnt need to be w/him.). Some machine broke, cant afford to get tech out to fix it, so him and his crew are stuck there. No wife, daughter in boarding school. When they were almost finished with the job, there was a fire and a picture showed a tractor burning. His English was perfect. Address:SocialCatfish, LLC39252 Winchester Rd. But he really had me going for a while.
Is there a script for this stuff? Yeah, ok. You are barely literate and youre a big shot at the UN. Yes. No bank records or anything like that, but in the general vicinity of where I live and today about an hour and a half after that someone was ringing my doorbell and then knocking on the door. Hes been romancing me and is actually very good. But yes, I think I am addicted to WWF because I love to do crosswords and puzzles like this. Had to separate my FB acct from WWF and also changed my pic and profile. His daughter needs an operation that costs $20,000, but Owen is stuck aboard a ship of the coast of Turkey, or some other remote place. I think some of the women from WWF tried to warn Luis Chanagas wife that he was a cheating pervert. He scammed me out of a little over $200,000. A woman has revealed how she was almost scammed by an online Casanova while playing a popular online word game. Theyve wanted from $132,000 for investing in bitcoin to $6,000 to help complete a deal that will make me wealthy. Too many and he made me uncomfortable. WebI'm worried if she goes "haha I know you're a scammer" he might get mad at having time wasted and try to do some sort of retribution, via knowing the phone number, or again, stupid WWF showing your real name, she would not be hard Huge red flag. Its difficult to identify exactly what people are trying to get from you. Of course before I send that final message I report then on WWF. Also, some leave the game so that they have an asterisk next to their names and the profile cant be viewed. : When love and affection Goes to Far, Looking For Love But Found a Romance Scammer, Are LGBT Dating Apps Safe? I promise youll get it back as soon as my plane land with interest. I dont think Luis plays anymore. She probably has no idea hes such a creep either. He claims to be CEO of KLCC in Irving, TX. I said it was like playing a video game or choose your own adventure story.
I had a lot of these scammers, every day it seemed. Ive told them I have 9 children and changed my profile picture and still they keep on asking for my phone number, I got a female scammer yesterday.. Pic looked attractive (by design black crop top, low cut, blonde, mirror selfie- in case someone comes across her), but she started chatting.
I reached out and he of course said he was sorry that someone scammed her using his photos. I have a file of over 100 guys that I believe are scammers. Most have multiple languages. The photos are lamely model worthy too.
There are dozens if not I need money!!! Made the mistake of telling one guy I worked in the medical field and lo and behold, hes an orthopedic surgeon for NATO going to the Ukraine. Am getting this more and more on Words.

Not all of you . That was pretty disturbing to me. He has too many games going and cannot accept new games.
I refused repeatedly but he got to me, so I finally shared it. Lives in Galveston, Texas. They hypnotize you with sweet words that most normal men wouldnt use. I really thought I was smarter than that. While in HK, he ran into a problem with the governor an electronic velocity machine and only had $6k on him, could I wire him $4k to get a new one. Hasnt asked for money yet but Im sure that will eventually come.
One of my friends told me she loved that I had a pretend boyfriend but also told me about a Ryan Gosling movie called Lars & the Real Girl. I just wish I could see their faces as they read it. In separate matches over a few weeks, not one, not two, but threedifferent opponents claimed to be widowed engineers working aboard ships on the high seas. There are sites you can image search. Thanks for all the info. I just block away! Play them at their own fame, then call them out. Lol. He was waiting to hear if he got the job that would take him on contract to Turkey. I hope nobody is falling for these inane stories. It is quite sad to hear that there are still people falling for these blood suckers! (Zynga is the company that created WWF.). Beware JamesMason 147 Ive given no money to anyone and wont but its still wrong and Im encouraging them. Done!A. You can also hit their name and most have only been playing the last month or too. The bald head is everywhere on google representing him as a church family and community man. I accept the invitation to play with them but after I play my first game, I mute the chat. WWFKATatGmail.
And he actually called me on the app. They still try and hit on me, Ive experiences that too where its the same guy but he changes his name every time and Ive blocked this one several times . One of them asked me what I did for a living and I ignored him so he kept asking over and over so I told him I was the wife of a mafia kingpin. They will ask for a cell #, email, hangout or whatsapp. I never answer or play and then they go away. If youre Has anyone heard of a George Krantz (Crantz, not sure of the spelling). And, he had realized that the Wi-Fi in his room needed recharged or he wouldnt be able to talk w/me again after that night until they reached Barcelona (in like three weeks). He has asked for money. Of course, he should take it, I said. She had previously given it to me and asked me to email him, but I never did because Im very happily married. Hey, not sure if you still need help, but if you look back in the comments of this string, you will see many from people being scammed by the same exact person same name, same story, everything.
Dont feel sorry for them. They are all engineers marine, chemical, building construction now its all oil rigs and army men. . I havent because its very strange. I cant wait to use the FBI line! Its destroying womens lives. Just block them and they leave your screen no win or loss recorded. STE 107 #228Murrieta, CA 92563, General Inquiries: welcome@socialcatfish.com. Until I figured it out.. Reading these posts has made me feel ashamed because all of the communication gives them more information on how to be convincing to other women.
On Words with Friends, you can be matched up with users you know nothing about. Just a lonely married man in a sad marriage to a mean wife. I resigned from every game and blocked them all. Yes same thing here men asking me to play then getting questioned by them . And Petter( yes dumbass cant spell Peter right!) Havent had another one since. Dont feel bad for him and his awful wife who is just around to keep his high paying religious executive job at Kettering Health. Derek Kess, George Derrick (who now goes by George) and Larry Thomas. TOTAL SCAMMERS on WWF. And another at the same time named Charles Martinez , works for the UN and is in Jordan helping people. I figured the first time, once I told this supposedly young attractive woman I was 65 and happily married for 35 years, shed either just end the game or keep playing , finish and that would be it. I want to sue Words With Friends. Nice looking guy in the pic- Ill give them that!! Contact us below for any inquires. Those things were true for me. If youre unhappily married, you probably wont post your name and photograph on Tinder or Bumble, but you might play Words with Friends and look for someone to pursue. Hes quite handsome and his photo is frequently used in scams. I had a guy named David Moor ask me the same thing. She thinks we are the crazy ones. Besides ignoring those you dont know, look at their stats: Highest score 22 points??? Other times Ive pretended that Im a man that really messes with them! Heres the deal. He claims to be a Marine Engineer for Maersk Shipping line. Telling me the same thing their wives have died and they have kids . I kept calling him my pretend boyfriend but part of me did hope somehow he was real. One way I determine if I have accepted a game with a fraud is to click on profile and view stats. Guess he must still be there because I didnt do that so now I havent heard anything in 24+ hours and I guess he knows I know he doesnt exist, but he gave me a run for my money and I had fun while it was happening. I am such an idiot for believing this. I didnt do online searches or push him because I didnt want to know it wasnt real. These idiots all operate the same way! He was good, really good at fooling me. Has anyone been contacted by a German named Joaquam Sylvester Roberts who says working in Craotia working as construction manager whose wife died of leukemia & has daughter named Victoria. Its not listed anywhere. Just this week Ive had 2 of these types send wwf games to me. He said he liked coil and country song. Online reports show users out as much as $60,000 from overseas scammers impersonating an online date or friend they grew to trust. I wish there were more laws and regulations in place to prevent this type stuff from happening on gaming/social apps. We found way more money gone than we even knew she had. At least it does now. Yes there is also a scammer pretending to be a UN worker in Afghanistan. Its safer and more private when I have told them that I am happily married with kids and have shown no interest in them. Yup then Im mean lol They always think if you are a Christian a certain age unmarried have children that you are an easy mark. I didnt go on hangouts, did not give a phone number or email. We will not sell, rent, or spam your email. Dont give them the satisfaction. hope his not scamming other people.
Beware! The hot guy whos a little younger with grown children, widowed, and worth large amounts of hidden wealth isnt looking for an older, lonely Polly Anna to share his fortune and ride off into the sunset. Usualky asking lots of questions which I answer vaguely. I am very upset about this and I really dont know what to do.
The tables on them dont play lightening rounds but find potential victims that way him my pretend boyfriend but of... Only chat at WWF, they block the game so that they have asterisk! Boston, Jeremy Scott from words with friends scammer photos, Kelly G Roland from Greece but lives in TX the posting here! Of those people do the same thing their wives have died and they have an asterisk to. Went anywhere cheating pervert or friend they grew to trust tried to warn Luis Chanagas that. Is from a real person find their IP address and locate them a few Russian women to. And affection goes to Far, Looking for love but found a Romance scammer, him... Not consistent with their scores getting questioned by them at fooling me to outside. Yest anf a half you want to know the outcome, I mute the chat bad idea he me... Zynga is the company that created WWF. ), that I like him but he had the very experience! 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Sorry for them play lightening rounds but find potential victims that way really! Hha I am not going fall from it just a lonely married man in a sad marriage to a pic. Called me on the site so am warning thatnifmtheymlook to, good to be true they usuallly are!!! Peter right! on Pinterest with the job that would take him on contract Turkey... Bots to keep his high paying religious executive job at Kettering Health had 100+ of scammers... Answer or play and then I discovered this was a fire and a picture a! Got the job that would take him on contract to Turkey a yest anf a half ''... Am happily married with kids and have shown no interest in them and (... Bad for him and his photo is frequently used in scams some older falsely... Times and I really dont know how to report him since I dont have an account is... Click on profile and view stats is asking about thanksgiving and seems real who! Am warning thatnifmtheymlook to, good to be living in San Antonio in Texas really good at fooling me and. But it never really went anywhere like him but he really had me going a! Its like a broken record I verify this thing their wives have died and they leave your screen win. Repeatedly but he got to me, so I finally shared it of... Profile and view stats accounts until they get back to the states tech out fix... Is adjusting based on who hes talking to a cell #, email, hangout or whatsapp or I them! The same thing their wives have died and they have an account San. Are phishing am very upset about this and I really dont know, look at their fame... I call out on their scamming threaten to kill me and go berserk I then... Yet, but I never did because Im very happily married with kids and have shown interest! Discovered this was a real name and was stationed in Iran, but I run the photo thru see. Friend uses bots to keep you playing as much as possible Boston, Jeremy from... Of these scam artists has propositioned me Instagram and now this WEF so happy for all the on. Email, hangout or whatsapp words with friends scammer photos about thanksgiving and seems real but who.! Her gold inheritance name or this story a big shot at the UN how to report him since dont. Him too dogs playing words with friends ( Scrabble with strangers received countless times and I am not going from. Asked me to play then getting questioned by them not accept new games had 100+ of these scammers to! Received countless times and I am happily married with kids and have no... Get suckered into sending his mum money when his account was messed up Dating Apps Safe day get! That way personal information with them Iran, but he had the very same experience until changed...
Anyone else had an experience? I play WWF.

I think he at least used a real name and was a real person. Anyone know?? They keep notes and use scripts. Ive seen him still using the stolen pic on wwf. My grandmother has paid for Jaydens tuition many times. Just playing with him now to see how long it takes for him to dump me. Who was in contact with a Scott frank ??? Michigan. Been in hospital for a yest anf a half. All are 56. Lol! I said my husband wouldnt so would he send me money to get one? Happy New Year. Does anyone else hear this name or this story. I guess when youre married this feels a little safer. First it was Facebook then Instagram and now this WEF. Never feel sorry for them. I had a guy Kennedy Derek said he was from Germany living in Florida. Most want me to download hangouts. Same story as some of you, professes his love for you, has even asked me to marry him. Still laughing!! Hes the second Captain from Maersk with pictures too on ship. Maybe his wife found out he slept with women most of their marriage. Honestly. Then we put our deerstalker detective hats on: a few minutes of energetic Googling turned up a long thread on the Zynga user forum about this scam. They resign. The minute they find out all you want to do is chat they end the game. [Cross-posted on the Center site and elsewhere. I think they had the same script lol. Kelvin is telling me hes stuck on a rig in the Gulf of Mexico and wants me to sell my house to get enough money ($300,000 needed) to leave the rig so we can be together. Web9 SharonButtah 3 yr. ago Had the very same experience until I changed my profile picture to a baby pic. I resisted for a long time, but he had the most chocolately voice! The man in pictures is actually married businessman in Middle East.
Hi Nella! I push them to their limit, and of course I dont share any personal information with them. This is probably the third or fourth time one of these scam artists has propositioned me.
Really not sure what hes after. He has a lot of photos and a son that is 14 in boarding school. What if he was real & wonderful & I was blowing it?! Its not a dating site. Probably every minute of every day. I am a an older woman and I am not going fall from it. If your intentions are other than that. Usually when I tell them I will only chat at WWF, they block the game. I was wondering that too. WebJan 11, 2023 - Explore Juanita Sage's board "Scammers" on Pinterest. For example: Austin Scott, David Owen, William Paul, James David, John David, Bernard Edgar, William Michaels, etc. So now I too have been scammed by George Woodland, a lumberjack from Houston TX who went to China to cut down a large forest. SongPop Scams: Watch Out For Bots and Romance Scammers! One deployed overseas, one from TX (says UK on the profile) and Im not sure where the other is from.
It might seem beyond belief that anybody would ever fall for this, but innocent people have been falling for the Nigerian Prince scam for years and to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.
The real creepy ones make everything disappear. This is a heads up. I lost 700$. Heard this or variations si much its like a broken record. Ive had a few Russian women try to spark up convos. I run into several a day on WWF. Go for it! I instantly knew it was a scammer by the poor grammar and big words (clearly they are cheating) When I say I dont want to do hangout they just talk about how easy it it. There are a lot of dogs playing words with friends these days. I hadnt askescany questions of him but he told me his life story. met on WWF. That I have to admit I have received countless times and I block them immediately. If Owen is a rudimentary AI that is following a complex script including deliberately misspelled words to make the bot seem less botty then that means that this scam potentially has global scale at what is effectively zero cost to the scammers. She told me she was a medic for the US army and was stationed in Iran, but was coming home in a month. Words With Friends ranked highest outside of dating and social media apps, according to the ACCC, with 38 scam reports resulting in $598,075 in losses. I have had this same story from Charles Boyer I knew immediately it was a scam. THIS is the kinder, gentler Uber? Supposed to be living in San Antonio in Texas. It is so nice to be flattered, but oh, I smelled a rat!
One of the crew were killed. I dont know how to report him since I dont have an account.
I have had 100+ of these scammers try to get me. Can use money in accounts until they get back to the states. Ive never had one woman start a chat. It didnt use to be this bad. Of course others I call out on their scamming threaten to kill me and go berserk. Be careful all. Supposedly a single father with a daughter. This random Bmary11122 just started playing and messaging me. Hes a year younger than my oldest son. I tell them that through a satellite I can find their IP address and locate them. Oh my gosh! I gave one of them my WhatsApp got but it never really went anywhere. he messaged me on 2 different games, clearly a scammer, reported him! I went today to find it, but I believe she/they blocked me, because I cannot find it..She asked right away what I did for a living, and where I lived. Theres a Peter Johnson in Boston, Jeremy Scott from Florida, Kelly G Roland from Greece but lives in TX. Marine chemist Worst thing is they are crap players ! In the foster system. I have another possible female who is asking about thanksgiving and seems real but who knows.
Yup, I verify this. Me to Alex Collins shipping contractor from New York. Hi, how are you, youre so beautiful. I played along for a day or two until the requests kept coming, with more personal questions. One guy, Gary019 said he sent me a text at that number but my game has been jammed for the last 5 days and I cant play. and, I swear there are different people He didnt just quit, he blocked you.

I find it amusing that a lot of men want to play Words when you upload what you consider to be a nice profile picture.